
Friday 3 May 2019


(from the first note
that broke the eternal silence
turning everything
into every single thing.

from the specs of dust
that stuck together
to form one special, blue sphere
supporting life.

from the warm rays of the sun
that helped a tiny seed grow
into a magnificent,
generous tree.)

I take a big bite
from a fresh,
juicy apple.

(to my teeth that break it down,
to my tongue that feels its taste,
to my stomach that makes sure
nothing useful goes to waste.

to my heart that keeps on pumping,
even when I’m left alone.
to my soul that keeps on searching,
for a place that feels like home.)


Creative Commons License
gratitude by Dimitrios Kokkinos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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